The History of SIBC

"A Whole Church Serving A Whole God"
"A Whole Church Serving A Whole God"
Devotion to Jesus has been a large part of the African American experience. The black church has been and continues to be a powerful force in the African American community. Thus, it is no surprise that Shiloh, like many organizations, was founded when there were few safe places for Black people to worship in the Charlotte community.
Shiloh Baptist Church was organized on December 17, 1943, in the home of Mrs. McFadden on East Hill Street. Those in attendance included Dr. J. H. Moore (Minister of First Baptist Church), Reverend E. A. Steward (Minister of Salem Church), and Dr. D F. Moore (Minister of Antioch Baptist Church), along with five other members. These founders are now all deceased.
After the church was organized the congregation followed the bylaws of the Baptist doctrine and named the Reverend D. W. Gaither, who was part of the organization, as Shiloh’s first pastor. Under his leadership the church experienced rapid growth. In 1944, a house at 913 East Hill Street was purchased and renovated to accommodate the church membership. By 1949, membership grew to over 800 parishioners and the church was forced to build a larger sanctuary. In 1949, a two-story building was built on this property to replace the house. This remained the church’s home until 1966. In March 1953, Reverend Gaither resigned as pastor and Dr. J. Arthur White was named the new pastor.
In the early 1960’s it became necessary to change the church’s name to distinguish it from another church with the same name. Since this church was organized before we were, we changed our name. The church was renamed SHILOH INSTITUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH.
Under The leadership of Dr. White, Shiloh Institutional Baptist church continued to experience growth. The church had a dynamic Sunday School Department and was heavily involved in the Baptist Training Union. One outstanding accomplishment was hosting the National Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress held June 1966. This gathering gave new hope and determination to take our place among the churches of the nation and world.
Under the City of Charlotte’s Urban Renewal Project and the Redevelopment Commission, the church relocated to 200-208 South Bruns Avenue, which included a church, a separate educational building, and two houses. One of the houses was later used to start a church nursery and daycare.
On July 30, 1977, Dr. J. Arthur White retired after 25 years of dedicated service. The church named its third pastor Reverend Tommy G. Davis, a very modest yet highly educated man.
Under the Reverend Davis’ leadership, the church continued to make great strides. On July 2, 1978 Shiloh held a mortgage burning service for the Bruns Avenue location. The church’s membership continued to grow. Due to explosive growth, once again the church had to relocate to a larger sanctuary. In September 1983, the current edifice at 2400 Greenland Ave. was acquired. In October 1990, God called Reverend Tommie Davis home to be with his heavenly Father.

In January 1991, Reverend Clinton Ceasar, Sr. was named our fourth pastor. Under his leadership, membership increased along with improvements in our Christian education program and community involvement. Pastor Ceasar continued to teach and preach Christ centered messages until his departure in April 2006.
In August 2010, the church named its fifth Pastor, Rev. Dr. Charles Thompson, Jr. Under his leadership, the theme of “Loving God, Loving Others” has been adopted with a focus on spiritual maturity and holistic ministry to the congregation and community. Several ministries and small groups have been implemented to achieve this effort. From 2011 to 2012, the church partnered with the Hickory Grove Baptist Church to complete renovations on the upper wing. On May 27, 2012, Shiloh held a mortgage burning for the Greenland Avenue location. Rev. Thompson continues to challenge the church in the need for excellence as workers, not just members, as family, not just congregation, as worship, not just church. By faith and grace, the church has a vision to be culturally relevant and biblically sound. To this end, several ministries, committees, and partnerships have been implemented to include Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry and Mobile Pharmacy, SIBC-Historic Camp Greene Community Garden, Village Heartbeat Community HUB, and Do Greater of Charlotte’s Innovation Lab for Youth. The lower wing of the church (old daycare area) has been renovated to serve as a permanent location for the Do Greater partnership. The church’s online presence and virtual worship opportunities have been enhanced with several technological upgrades. The church is using this aid of technology to reach people with a renewed focus on “Rebuilding from the Youth Out.”
While we count our blessings, we are reminded that the church will continue its journey towards completion of the Lord's Work. With Jesus, the future holds the same zeal and determination as in the past. God has brought us to this point in history. It is our hope that we will never be satisfied until EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, becomes servants of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.