Throughout February, Pastor T will preach a sermon series entitled “Health Your Way To Growth.” Please support and encourage others to hear this series of messages!
SIBC’s Media Ministry is the highlighted ministry of the month! Please see Sis—Monique Moore to learn how to assist this vital ministry of SIBC. ​​
Operation P.U.S.H. is underway! P.U.S.H. not only means pray until something happens, which is a must! For the sake of rebuilding, it also means plug until something happens! Please read, reference, and share the Operation P.U.S.H. Flyer internally and invite others to worship and engage with SIBC!
Remember to give toward SIBC’s Pledge Campaign! Place your Pledge Sheets in the offering basket on Sundays
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, children ages 3-7 are being pulled out to be taught spiritual principles on their level. All children 3-7 are welcome!​​
​This is for all senior events: All senior's 65 years and older, please give Kandi your information. Please also email at kandisnewimage@gmail.com, or call (704) 953-5720.
Each Wednesday - SIBC’s Interactive Bible Study will be offered through Zoom and Conference Call (1-701-802-5171, 7192991#) at 7 p.m. Zoom link and log in details have been sent via email.
​Let’s get excited about our mantra of “Loving God, Loving Others!” I would like to reiterate Shiloh Institutional’s ABC Vision Plan as follows: A=Always go out of the way to be friendly and hospitable, B=Build for the future by prioritizing and nurturing youth, C=Coordinate ministry with community residents and partners whenever possible. As we focus and develop kingdom building around these ABC tiers, please be sure to be part of our email list by sending an email to sibcpastor@yahoo.com with the subject line “New Email.”

- Please continue to support and invite others to join us In-person, Facebook Live, SIBC's YouTube Channel, and Conference Call (Dial 1-701-802-5171 access code 7192991#)
- 1st Sundays - members are asked to donate $20 to the SIBC Building Fund. Please fill out tithes/offering envelopes completely and legibly!
- Interested in becoming a SIBC member? Email the Pastor: sibcpastor@yahoo.com or call 704-390-3690.
- The SIBC Media Ministry is available to assist organizations with promoting events and programs! ALL EVENTS MUST HAVE A MEDIA PLAN AT LEAST 30 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT. Please contact Sis. Monique Moore at msmonie431@aol.com or text info to 704-712-7524 for more information.
- All Ministries, Committees, and Auxiliaries are to go to http://forcharlotte.goentrepid.com for future partnership and community need opportunities.
- Online giving is available through our church website under the DONATE section and/or Givelify App and CashApp on your mobile devices. Please let us know if you need assistance with getting started!
When there is inclement weather, please tune into WSOC-TV for SIBC's SOCIAL MEDIA pages for cancellations or delays.